Gravitational Waves

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of spacetime, they were predicted a century ago by Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. The first direct observation was in 2015, from the merger of two black holes.

GW illustration

TianQin 天琴

TianQin, which means "Celestial Harp" in Chinese, is a proposed space-based gravitational wave detector. Unlike ground-based detectors, TianQin consists of three satellites that will form a laser-beam triangle around the Earth at an altitude of 100,000km. The longer baseline will allow us capture more types of signals that can "pluck the strings" and thus extend our knowledge of the universe.


My Research

Moving detectors into space will make us face additional challenges. I am studying how cooperation between space and the ground (i.e. multiband searches) will help to detect systems that evolve sequentially in the sensitive bands of both, and how information obtained from space detectors can help to distinguish the mechanisms by which these systems form.

matched filtering


Check my outreach videos on Bilibili:

HUST-AEAI joined the Association of Astronomy Enthusiasts of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST-AEA) when I was undergraduate, and stay involved in sharing astronomical knowledge to the public.

Selected posters & brochures

The gallery above shows some of the posters and brochures I have designed for flagship events or association recruitment. Some of the background images were designed by others (if noted). Invalid QR codes have been removed.

Curriculum Vitae

I've been a PhD student in astronomy at Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) supervised by Yi-Ming Hu since 2020. Before that I got my Bachelor's degree in physics from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). Check my detailed CV below↓


Publications: "Wang" Degeneracy

My given name "晗" (Han) means "pre-dawn, break of dawn" and surname "王" (Wang) means "king, monarch". However, due to "王" being the most common surname and the existence of many homophones in Chinese, my name in English form often results in even more pronounced "degeneracies" than in Chinese. :(



Under Decoration / 装修中


Ranking of interactive data per episode of Romance of the Three Kingdoms (1994) on Bilibili


Ranking of interactive data per episode of Yongzheng Dynasty (1999) on Bilibili


A(n over-)simplified version of sbank for demonstrating the basic idea of generating template banks for gravitational wave detection